
An Honest Review of Purity 12 The new Acai Berry Juice Products

Purity 12 is a relatively new Network Marketing Company that has started up into the Health and Wellness industry.Purity 12 is Marketing four main products.First is a body cleanser named Purity 12 that is designed to help in flushing toxins and other impurities out of your body.Purity 12 Rain Juice. The compents of Purity 12 Rain Juice have been revealed to be the best and have given the shown the best results of products on the market in the present day but the scientific evidence is scarce. This product uses the well know acai berry juice or acai berry complex or drink. There is a important amount of acai berry research promoting the benefits of acai berries.Purity 12 Rain Supplement. The benefits of Purity 12 Rain Supplement are not only part of an exciting breakthrough, but also provide you with an anti-aging miracle to enhance your life!Power Tea. Green tea is filled with anti-oxidants and polyphenols that promote healthy cells.According to their website, Many foods contain ingredients that the human body cannot break down or even use, and certain ones even contain toxins or other things that are destructive to the body. This is one of many new products on the market that are promoting colon health and there are a lot on the marketColopure, PureCleanse, Bromalite, Total Cleanse... to name a few.Of the ones that Ive researched, Purity 12 appears to be the most pricey. The business appears to be led by an impressive group. Ken Forrest, Tim Shields and Ricky Frank are the founding distributors. It is true that these guys bring a lot of Network Marketing experience to the table.David Vankomen is founder and CEO of Purity 12. He is accountable for setting the overall course and product plan for the business. He has a good reputation in this area and he is putting hefty means behind this group. Paul Vankomen currently serves as President of Purity 12, to which he brings advantageous experience in strategic preparation, operations management, and fiscal planning.Of course the goods that a MLM company has are only the start. This business certainly has put a lot of sweat and money into their product. You will still be the one to go out and Market the products; they are not going to do it for you.Just like any MLM company, a substantial number of people are not going to have success. Just looking at the statistics about Multi-Level Marketing in general, the odds look grave.There are SIX steps to success in any Network Marketing business opportunity and the people that fail have a deficiency with one led lights or more of the goals below.1) Define your goals and Make a Decision to Reach them 2) Identify your Target Market.3) Do Your Homework. Research long and hard my friends.4) Know the Products and be sure your Target Market LOVES the product.5) Get Effective Training6) Find the Correct Mentors and do what they tell you. Dont re-invent the wheel.So Far what you have is a head start on the first 4 steps. You will of course need to fill in the blanks for yourself. I can tell you that the Training that you receive in every Network Marketing company is inadequate. They don't want you to quit or fail but I believe that they really do not embrace the next evolution. The techniques they use are stuck in the 80s and 90s.If you want to cut down a large tree, you should use the sharpest axe you can find, spend 90% of your time making it sharper and then chop away and never quit. That is assuming that you have fulfilled numbers 1 4 above.If your training is ineffective, you are trying to chop down the tree with a hammer. It may work eventually but its going to take forever.Finding the correct mentors in this field is very hard. I know, Ive tried and fallen flat on my face many times until...The strategies that I currently use to build my Multi-Level company, are a plan used by the best Marketers in the world and they WORK. The system not only works for you but they work for your entire team which is colossal in its power.If you have fulfilled the requirements for steps 1 - 4, than I have found a practice to help you explode through steps 5 and 6. If you have looked at this company and are not sure you have light bulbs satisfied the requirements for steps 1 4 no matter.There are thousands of companies out there and there is sure to be one for you. The systematic marketing plan that I use will allow you to succeed with any company. Take a look and you will be blown away. If you follow the program, I will see you on the Beaches of the World.Start Generating Leads for Free. It's a lot easier when people call you about your MLM Business. That is the power of Targeted Leads. First Name: E-Mail: Phone: (optional) More Articles From DreamTeamDoctor

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