
Principles regarding Assembling Materials For Different Types of Crisis Circumstances

Vital Emergency Supplies You Might Not Think to IncludeSpace is limited in an emergency kit, and there will probably be a lot of things you wish you had enough room to include. There are a couple of items you may not have thought of that really should be in your kit. Flying angry bird Luckily, they do not take up a lot of space. The first item is a supply of cash. You do not know if your credit cards will work in an emergency, so at least a small supply of cash is important. Do not forget to include copies documents that you will want angry bird on hand in an emergency (insurance papers and property titles, social security cards and/or passports, and wills are a couple examples). You do not know if you will need some or all of these in an emergency situation, and the originals Air Swimmers may be inaccessible or damaged. Storing extra plastic bags in your kit is a third idea you may not have considered. You do not know what you may gather or be given during an emergency, but you will probably want to keep it waterproof!Why You Should Switch Your Emergency Clothes Twice a YearTwice a year, you should check the clothing in your kit and change them out for more updated clothing if necessary. There are several reasons for this. First, keep in mind that children grow up and adults often change or lose weight. One of the last things you want is for you or your children to be stuck without a change of clothes because the set in your emergency kit is too small. Second, you should make sure that the clothing hasn’t been damaged by moths or become wet due to a leak somewhere in your kit. Finally, your clothing should reflect the seasons. Summertime clothing should help keep you cool, and winter clothing should allow you to retain as much body heat as possible. Additionally, add scarves, jackets, gloves, hats, and other winter paraphernalia. Emergency Preparation is Vital for EveryoneIn some ways, our society has grown used to obtaining things instantly, from news reports to food to help in a crisis. For example, we can look something up online if we need information, call on a cell phone to reach someone, or use 911 or Onstar if there is an emergency. However, when some situations strike, we cannot count on being instantly taken care of. Catastrophic events not only affect our ability to communicate or move around, but they put many other people in the same situation of needing help. We must understand the need to be self-sufficient during an emergency. If everyone takes simple steps such as preparing 72 hour kits, storing adequate food and water, and developing action plans for emergencies, many lives can be saved. This preparation also helps those whose lives are not in danger feel more comfortable and have better medical care, if needed. Even in this age of instant satisfaction and interdependence, a little preparation can go a long way. An Explanation of 72 Hour KitsA 72 hour kit is a collection of needed survival items during an emergency. They will keep you alive as you wait for relief to come—which, in any given disaster situation, is likely to take up to three days. There should be enough of the basics—food, water, clothing or shelter, basic medical items, and tools for light and communication—for your entire family for 72 hours. You can purchase these kits or you can put them together yourself. When you are shopping for these kits, remember any specialized needs created by the members of your family or the geographical area you live in. For example, if you live somewhere rural or hard to reach, it may take longer than three days for help to come—so you will need more supplies. In addition to your 72 hour kits, it is a good idea to look into preparing some long-term food storage supplies.

